( Affiliated to - Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University , Jalgaon )
Gat No. 181, Bambhori, Near K.B.C. North Maharashtra University Main Gate
Jalgaon - 425 001, Mharashtra ( India )




Comprehensive Student Monitoring:

Mentor plays vital role in development of students by providing professional and personal advice to improve his/her participation in academics and co-curricular activities.


·         Monitor student’s regularity, punctuality, and discipline.

·         Make aware parents about performance and progress of their wards.

·         Establish a first line-of-communication for each student and create sense of oneness.

·         Identify and mitigate psychology, societal and other issues faced by students and refer them to experts.

·         Make students self-aware of their strengths and weakness


Mangalmurti Bahuudeshiya Krida Mandala’s Chhatrapati Raje Sambhaji College Of Education has well-established system to inculcate discipline, punctuality, regularity, and motivate student-teachers by monitoring their activities supported by organizational structure, policies, and practices.



·        Faculty members are Mentors of 32-35 student-teachers allocated by Principal.

·        Mentor collects personal information of student without touching sensitive issues of forcing any information and provides counselling.

·        Critical issues are brought to notice of Principal.

·         Mentor meets Mentees informally outside class hours as well and guide them regarding career options.

·        Students may get lost with too many students in same class from different backgrounds. They face stress of complex course, peer pressure and emotional immaturity. Therefore, it is need of hour to intervene and introduce monitoring and guidance.

·        Teacher takes attendance in every class during first five minutes and enters list of absentees in academic activity register, which enables Principal to monitor student-teachers in each lecture.

·        Class in-charges prepare monthly attendance for each division and conveys to parents of defaulters to improve attendance.

·        Concerned teacher enquires and counsel’s student if he/she is absent for two continuous lectures.

·        Class-in charges, Principal, regularly monitors, enquires and counsel students and parents.

·        Principal to review punctuality and regularity of students. Weight age of five marks is given to attendance in internal assessment to improve student’s regularity.

·        Anti-Ragging Committee monitors fresher’s by frequently visiting sensitive areas within and outside campus.

Responsibilities of Mentor:

Mentor performs following duties:

·         Meet group of student’s at-least ones in a month

·         Maintain detailed progress and record of students and parents.

·         Continuously monitor, counsel, guide and motivate students in all academic or personal pursuits.

·         Keeps contact with students even after graduation.

·         Intimates Principal and suggest if any administrative action is called for.

·         Maintains brief but clear record of all discussions with students.

Evidence of Success:

Improvement in attendance speaks volumes regarding steps taken for monitoring students.

Enhancement in performance of students due to regular monitoring and discipline is evidence of success.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

Enquiring student in class regarding absentee, Poor response of parents for enquiries.

More number of classes required than actual to complete syllabus.


II)Gender Sensitisation and Empowerment of Women

Objectives of the Practice

The main objective is to provide safe and gender friendly environment where boys and girls, men and women coexist in a cohesive manner. This would further lead to the sensitisation of both the genders and empowerment of young women by providing them with strategies to attain sustainable goals for personal, professional, and social growth.

The Context

Ever since its inception in 2017, the College has been rendering valuable service for the emancipation and empowerment of women. The College community felt it essential to have a dedicated centre that would provide more opportunities for empowering women through gender specific programmes. CRS College of Education provides a formal platform to study, understand, and develop strategies to resolve the issues concerning women in our society. The institution offering academic, research, training and allied programmes for women empowerment, development and welfare utilising diverse technologies and delivery systems.

The Practice

The College strive to maintain and augment the gender-neutral atmosphere with the sole purpose to sensitise the youth about gender equity and empowerment of women and girls. It has organized gender sensitization programmes, capacity building workshop, extension and outreach programmes, counselling sessions and workshops for youth and women. Voicing concern about women and their rights viz-a-viz violence, exploitation, and harassment through wall magazines, poetic meets, advocacy campaigns, special lectures, interaction sessions, street plays and multi-media presentations highlight some of its achievements. The College is working not only for the protection of women’s rights but also addresses issues related to gender equality.

Evidence of Success

The College’s vision of creating an inclusive learning community has led to the success of young students establishing themselves on the global arena in terms of service to society. The following are some indicators of the success:

1) The College has formulated and implemented anti ragging, prevention and redressal of sexual harassment and grievance redressal policies in accordance with UGC guidelines. This has enabled the college to create a safe and friendly environment for its students and women employees.
2) The College has been able to retain its women faculty over the years and they have experienced social upward mobility in their careers. The women work force has attained decision-making positions in the organisation.

3) All students enjoy from a wide range of programmes/course options offered by the College, with compulsory core options and academic flexibility in co-curricular, interdisciplinary courses and extracurricular courses.

4) The College also encourages its faculty to upgrade and attain higher qualifications for their future growth and career prospects. Study leave is available to confirmed members.

5) Video clippings, photos, media reports, annual newsletter, publication of research studies and books are the documentary evidence maintained by the College.
The institution has identified major changes in the awareness level, heightened sensitivity towards gender equality, positive attitude, freewheeling with faculty and other students on various parameters.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required-

Some of the challenges encountered were implementation of the annual plan and its monitoring in view of the tight academic schedule, organisation of various programmes during working hours, and lack of financial resources to mention a few. Though there are problems which are endured they have been circumvented and the long-term benefits and impact has been tangible.


II) Gender Sensitisation and Empowerment of Women

Objectives of the Practice

  • To provide safe and gender friendly environment where boys and girls, men and women coexist in a cohesive manner.
  • To the sensitisation of both the genders and empowerment of young women by providing them with strategies to attain sustainable goals for personal, professional, and social growth.

The Context: The college offering academic, research, training and allied programmes for women empowerment, development and welfare utilising diverse technologies and delivery systems.

The Practice:The College strive to maintain and augment the gender-neutral atmosphere with the sole purpose to sensitise the youth about gender equity and empowerment of women and girls. It has organized gender sensitization programmes, capacity building workshop, extension and outreach programmes, counselling sessions and workshops for youth and women. 

Evidence of Success

The following are some indicators of the success:

  • The College has formulated and implemented anti ragging, prevention and redressal of sexual harassment and grievance redressal committees. employees.
  • The College has been able to retain its women faculty over the years and they have experienced social upward mobility in their careers.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required-  Some of the challenges encountered were implementation of the annual plan and its monitoring in view of the tight academic schedule, organisation of various programmes during working hours, and lack of financial resources to mention a few. 

‘Tree plantation and its conservation’


Education is concerned to all types of developments of human related issues. It is continuous and never ending process. The college is situated near about KBCNMU Bambhori, Jalgaon and pollution free atmosphere. As it needs to have tree surrounded campus, it believes that ‘Tree Plantation’ in the campus is as crucial as the infrastructural facility of the college. It becomes a part and parcel of the college routine.

The institute as its strong belief as its mission that education must be useful as per the needs of the society or nation. It is a need of time to keep campus natural and free from any kind of pollution. It is believed that if the campus is surrounded with trees and pollution free, it will be a proper place for teaching–learning function. ‘Tree Plantation’ is a regular practice of the college.The environmental issues are some of the most profound and complex challenges, requiring immediate attention. Our aim is to achieve a sound environment in and around the college campus as well as nearby villegeKadholi, and to sustain it through this program with the volunteer participation of our students. We have identified the following areas which are in tune with our goal and could set an example

·        To create awareness about the environment related issues among the staff and the students of the college.

·        To Plan for plantation of particular plants and location.

·         To make the college campus and nearby village Kadholigreenery.

·        To harvest rain water.


The implementation of the proposal is easy and not time consuming. This task is voluntarily implemented by students and the staff and consented at management level. The students need exposure and plan of action to accomplish this project. In proper coordination of Institute & Gram Panchayat representative become the exposure of the students and they make a plan of action to succeed this project.

The Practice:-

The organization of Poster competition, lectures, and debate competition is done in view of concrete output. The staff and the students employ the task of cleanliness on a day of each month in view of developing the importance of cleanliness in students. The slogans “ZaadeLawaZaadeJagwa” & “Save Environment“are displayed in the classrooms to remind the students of their duties and responsibilities.

Maximum trees are planted in college premises and in nearby village Kadholi.

Evidence of Success:-The students whenever free after learning schedule look to water the plant and conserve it. The awareness for plantation and growing trees in students and staff spreads and develops through their action and implementation of tree plantation program voluntarily. The college is nearest to ‘KBC North Maharashtra University& ‘tree plantation’, is a crucial need of the time. The campus of tree surrounding helps to keep pleasant and cool atmosphere which causes to save electric bill also.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required;-

‘Tree plantation and its conservation’ is continuous process in the college as well as nearby village Kadholiso sometimes the problem of watering the plants arise at the time of electric load shedding, electric repairing problem and non-availability of water in hot summer.


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